Philippines: Cebu Chamber Prioritizes Branding and Mindset Shift Under Yuvallos’ Leadership

Promoting the Cebu branding for investments and business, developing a culture of innovation and creative as well as changing mindsets are central objectives for the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) under the leadership of President Jay Yuvallos.

CCCI President Jay Yuvallos underscored that all these can be achieved through the chamber’s Leadership Agenda, which focuses on four main components.

The first is launching the Invest Cebu Brand, “Prosper in Paradise,” aimed at showcasing Cebu’s unique business and tourism opportunities. The second component is engaging the whole community on a deeper level to promote inclusive development. The third emphasizes active partnerships, encapsulated by the idea that “Everyone Celebrates in Cebu.”

The final component is developing a culture of innovation and creativity across various sectors including trade, industry/manufacturing services, and IT-BPM.

“Before becoming CCCI president, I consulted with people, past presidents, officers, and the CCCI team,” Yuvallos said in an interview. Through these consultations, he collated different ideas and identified gaps that needed to be addressed.

Following these consultations, the Cebu Chamber will soon launch the Cebu Brand: Prosper in Paradise. Yuvallos explained that achieving economic development requires engaging the whole community for inclusive growth and collaborating with various business organizations, the government, and the community. He also stressed the need to promote innovation and creativity in trade, industry/manufacturing service, and IT-BPM.

CCCI is open to establishing partnerships with various chambers, organizations, and businesses across these areas. “We need to partner with other membership organizations. The call to action is for everyone to come together,” Yuvallos pointed out, adding that “the world is passing us by.”

CCCI’s goals also include implementing legacy projects and setting up innovation hubs and a showroom for small entrepreneurs. Mr. Yuvallos acknowledged the challenge of leading the chamber but expressed his commitment to introducing a ‘shift’ in mindsets.

“Now, my job is to captain a steady ship and then change perspectives here, changing mindsets there,” he said. The chamber will continue organizing seminars and pursuing a leadership agenda that engages the whole community. “We will look at the best people to deliver change and transformation. The Cebu Chamber also plans to convince more MSMEs that it is inclusive,” he stressed.

Achieving these goals is a significant challenge for the chamber. However, with Mr. Yuvallos drawing on his vast experience and network, he is well-equipped for the task. Having served as President of the Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation, Inc. and Chairman of Cebu X (International Furniture Exhibition), and representing the Philippines in the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ABAC) for six years, his leadership is poised to drive meaningful progress.

As the newly elected President of the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Jay Yuvallos is committed to ushering in a new era of economic growth and collaborative innovation through his clear vision encapsulated in the Leadership Agenda. Yuvallos is poised to drive transformative change within Cebu’s business community and support MSMEs, positioning Cebu as a hub of prosperity with a forward-thinking approach to branding, inclusivity, and active partnerships.

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